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Date: Wednesday, 09/05/2018
1st Prize 775034
2nd Prize 596684
3rd Prize 358255
Starter Prize
926450 636297 240392
213809 157813 250103
179759 859130 226441
Consolation Prize
247659 791006 383632
235681 423275 790566
945627 944797 936675
Date: Tuesday, 08/05/2018
1st Prize 951613
2nd Prize 287753
3rd Prize 261223
Starter Prize
831385 488337 815523
879876 921259 973125
185383 731723 537106
Consolation Prize
823408 913043 648575
423799 427350 397231
532333 711987 421460
Date: Monday, 07/05/2018
1st Prize 394344
2nd Prize 847360
3rd Prize 582620
Starter Prize
443493 568463 645742
761859 849494 905175
515718 899829 786363
Consolation Prize
656462 324738 619748
294438 837824 965196
238681 538379 356875
Date: Sunday, 06/05/2018
1st Prize 906703
2nd Prize 383016
3rd Prize 850626
Starter Prize
128693 151327 771063
943139 475405 250917
764403 922474 498237
Consolation Prize
486301 803549 483389
616130 320591 842917
187023 926636 120973
Date: Saturday, 05/05/2018
1st Prize 746390
2nd Prize 922574
3rd Prize 290171
Starter Prize
633324 629390 436525
684613 475844 983137
768765 904181 834940
Consolation Prize
558348 597669 865733
895404 221711 149798
798812 731602 649329
Date: Friday, 04/05/2018
1st Prize 308417
2nd Prize 776618
3rd Prize 466743
Starter Prize
679310 965207 737188
493309 601272 621590
393142 866144 592155
Consolation Prize
435146 694932 948425
353632 229322 835356
635679 277125 408558
Date: Thursday, 03/05/2018
1st Prize 831898
2nd Prize 953506
3rd Prize 347848
Starter Prize
287742 165550 749805
560645 510172 974937
665649 808846 375279
Consolation Prize
805794 925665 958798
857584 874965 108996
459862 184675 731154